Some Things to Expect When Buying a Sign
- Per the Small Business Association (SBA) the average business/organization should plan 7% of the business budget for their sign program when creating a business plan.
- Signs are one-off custom fabricated so they take longer to make than you think so keep that in mind if you have set open dates to provide your sign vendor at least a 4-6 weeks lead time.
- Signs are restricted by each local municipal code. Have your sign professional perform a code check to see what size sign you are allowed. Just because your neighbor has a large sign does not mean you will be allowed one as codes are constantly changing.
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Sarah Morrison
Founder of xyz.com
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Leland Bloggs
Founder of xyz.com
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Jessica Morrison
Founder of xyz.com
- It is important to know what message/impact you are wanting to convey with your sign when you speak with a sign professional. That helps create a good design that makes your brand better.
- The shape and architectural features you add to your sign can be as powerful as your logo itself. Don’t be afraid to tie into your building’s architectural features or channel your inner Walt Disney to get creative…or let our team of creatives do that for you!
- If you have a logo we will need it in a vectored format (.ai or .eps). No logo? No problem! We can work with you to create your brand from scratch.
- A professional sign company will always visit your site and perform a site analysis.
- You will need a larger sign than what you think, rely on a quality sign professional to use their traffic analysis to tell you what size sign you need to be legible from the roadway.
- We work in all four seasons…. don’t be afraid to buy a sign in the winter.
- Design time can range from 1-3 days depending on project scope.
- A low-cost, poorly made sign will cost a lot more in service, maintenance, and lifespan versus buying a quality product. Always visit the sign company’s shop to verify they build in-house and build quality.
- Once a proposal is signed, permitting can take between 3-5 days.
If you need a variance for a larger than code allowed sign we can represent your business/organization. - Ask your sign vendor if they build everything in-house or outsource. Be cautious of companies that outsource as they are just brokers and cannot control the quality or process of your sign build.
- Most Important: Have fun! Your signs are the icing on the cake and the process should be fun and exciting.